Anime Comic Art (Schedule an online class)

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anime girl head.png

Anime Comic Art (Schedule an online class)

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Too far away to visit the studio? We offer virtual drawing classes so you can earn your badge from across the Bay!

Only open to Girl Scouts of NorCal.

Let us know in the form comments what dates and times work best for your troop.

Minimum of 5 participants, maximum of 18 per class.

Cadettes will complete all 5 steps to earn their Comic Artist Badge and a Camp Fashionista fun patch

Materials needed: Pencil, paper, eraser, colored pencils and/or markers.

This 2-hour class will take place over Zoom.


Girls will learn methods for creating Anime style characters and bring them to life in a unique 4-panel comic story!

Guided by an Anime trained artist, your scouts will learn how to draw those big shiny eyes, fun hairstyles, and use shading with colored pencils and with markers.

We’ll start with learning how to draw a cute face, step by step. Then, brainstorm different ideas for a narrative and characters.

Creative thinking and storytelling techniques will enable girls to complete a unique comic story that expresses something that’s meaningful to them in 4 panels.

Comics can be funny or serious, emotional or lighthearted. Tell the story you want to tell from your heart!