Parents, legal guardians of minors, and students waive the right to any legal action for any injury sustained on or around property resulting from any activity conducted by the students before, during, or after class time. As there is risk of injury while using some of the equipment, there will be constant monitoring of the students and we will go over safety procedures in each class.

We make every effort to complete the projects in class, but everyone sews at their own speed and the most important thing is that what the kids have learned instead of what they completed. We don't want them to feel rushed.

We strive to keep the atmosphere positive, creative and relaxed. The experience is what matters. 

Photo Release:
Camp Fashionista and its instructors are hereby granted permission to take photographs of the students to use in brochures, web sites, posters, and other promotional materials the program creates.

Please let us know  as soon as you can if you can't make a class. I understand the unexpected and sickness and will try to accommodate make up classes when possible or credit for a future class. A no call / no show forfeits this possibility. Last minute cancellations on a sold out class or camp will not be refunded. See our Camp Cancellation Policy.

Please be considerate and allow another student to take your spot if you can't.

Make up classes and credit must be used within one calendar year of the missed class. We try to provide multiple options to make up a missed class, but it is your responsibility to follow through before the expiration.

Prerequisites: Students who sign up for classes without the required prerequisite experience will not be allowed to complete the class, and registration fees will not be refunded. Attempting to sew an intermediate level project without basic sewing skills is unsafe, and unfair to your child and their classmates.

Proper preparation will ensure a healthy and happy sewing environment. Please contact us if you have questions about your child’s experience level.

Sign up for classes early so I can prepare materials and have enough staff.  Classes may be cancelled due to low enrollment, so don't wait until the last minute.

Please be considerate and show up and pick up on time.

Birthday parties  need to start on time with all participants present, so we can complete the project and have time for food and fun. If your guests arrive late they may not be able to finish, so please let them know.

Birthday parties must finish on time. Any party that extends 15 minutes beyond the designated end time is liable for an overtime fee of $25 per 15 minutes. A party is considered over when the studio is cleared of all guests and belongings.