Girl Scout Classes — Camp Fashionista
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Girl Scouts Classes & Workshops

Take your first steps into the exciting world of fashion design!

These brand-new badge-related classes are created for and only open to members of Girl Scouts of Northern CA. Sign up your whole troop or just a few girls, minimum of 6 and maximum of 18.

You can earn badges, improve your drawing, use your new sewing skills to make a special gift for someone, do community service sewing, and sew on your badges!

Click on classes in the menu to the left to learn more.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions! 
(408) 757-3434


Minimum and maximum attendance requirements exist for all programs. Camp Fashionista reserves the right to cancel or change any scheduled activities due to lack of enrollment, severe weather, or natural disaster.

• Cancellation and refund requests must be made in writing thirty (30) days before the event to receive 50% of registration fees.

• No refunds will be issued for no-shows.